4th Austrian Plant Phenotyping Network Meeting

22. May 2024 | General

Tomorrow the 4th Austrian Plant Phenotyping Network Meeting will take place at the Vienna BioCenter. You can expect an exciting day with cutting-edge research results and insights from leading experts in the field! Participants will also have the exclusive opportunity to visit the PHENOPlant facility, a state-of-the-art walk-in phytotron that provides very homogeneous growing conditions for plants🌱. PHENOPlant enables precise environmental simulations in different climate zones as well as controlled plant stress experiments. Green Legacy is currently sponsoring a study to determine how long newly planted spruce seedlings treated with our water-retaining soil additives can survive a drought period unscathed. This is a further step in our research and development work to provide our customers with clear answers and better support them in planning climate-resilient afforestation measures and to promote scientific understanding in this area. We can’t wait to share the results!

You can find the conference program here: https://appn.at/wp-content/uploads/2024/04/4th_APPN_program.pdf

We are very grateful to the fantastic experts at the Plant Sciences Facility of the Vienna BioCenter, the BFW (Austrian Federal Research Center for Forests) and the Institute of Forest Ecology (IFE/University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna) for their incredible support.